As a dietitian, I don’t generally participate in diet programs. But since Jenny Craig offered me the opportunity to try their 30-day Rapid Results Max program, I thought I’d give it a go. Why not see how the program works and if there is anything I could gain (or rather “lose” for that matter).
Rapid Results Max is Jenny Craig’s groundbreaking new weight loss solution. It leverages the science of intermittent fasting and pairs it with the Jenny Craig’s specially formulated Recharge Bar. With chef-crafted meals and snacks and personal coaching, participants get tools and support to meet their personal weight loss goals.
Rapid Results Max follows a form of intermittent fasting in which participants eat smartly during the day across a 10-hour period and then rest and digest, during which they take a break from eating for 14 hours beginning after dinner. Researchers have found that the 14:10 method provides optimal weight loss, especially when a person ideally finishes eating in the early evening and then fasts for 14 hours to rejuvenate the body. The Recharge Bar included in the program naturally maintains the fast — without breaking it. It is made with simple, natural ingredients of nuts and a small amount of honey.
In a study published inNature, researchers found that the 14:10 method of intermittent fasting — meaning fasting for 14 hours and eating for 10 — provides optimal weight loss, especially when a person ideally finishes eating in the early evening, allowing the body to rejuvenate during the evening. That’s because this form of intermittent fasting follows our natural 24-hour circadian rhythm,’ says Dr. Pamela Peeke, The Chairman of Jenny Craig Science Advisory Board.
Are you ready for my story? Here’s how I benefited from Jenny Craig’s Rapid Results Max program:
Being a petite 5’2″ I didn’t have much weight to lose, maybe just a few pounds from the winter holidays. So this was more about learning what made the program effective and if it really was simple enough so that anyone could succeed.
The day before I started, my consultant called me to discuss my goals and challenges just as she would any client. (We would do follow-up sessions each week via video conference or phone.) She knew I was a dietitian, but we agreed, I should be treated just like any other client new to the program. She arranged for my first box of meals and snacks for the week.
I was notified by text the delivery was on its way. My box arrived timely in a pretty blue thermal container with both shelf stable and frozen foods. I tipped the driver. I had a few initial challenges, but they weren’t unsurmountable.
Challenge #1: Where am I gonna put all these foods?
Challenge #2: My family needs me to cook and my hubby enjoys us sharing food/wine
It’s nice to be able to put myself in my clients shoes. It helps to fully understand the challenges and complexities despite the simplicity of a diet program.
Benefit #1: Meals are Already Planned and Prepared, No Guess work!
Everything, with the exception of your veggies or fruit, is delivered in ready-to-eat, heat and serve packages. Since it’s easy enough to make a leafy green salad, steam veggies or lightly sauté, I had no problems supplementing my ready-prepped meals with a veggie. And I always keep a bowl of fresh fruit on my countertop (with frozen options in the freezer for those days my supply gets low). In fact, following this program was almost too easy.
The deliveries were timely. I never missed a meal. The food stored well and I knew that on the last day of each week, I’d receive my next package—a full week’s worth of prepared foods along with a menu to guide me and my iPhone app to record my progress.
Here are some of my favorite meals from the Jenny Craig® Rapid Results Max Program:
Benefit #2: Tracking Progress is a Breeze.
Keeping track of progress on the app was so effortless. The daily menu is already input so all you have to do is check off the boxes and add in your water intake. If there is anything that was substituted in your weekly box, it’s in the database so all you have to do is search, find, and check. And any other food or drink (I do like my morning coffee with a splash of soy milk), you can simply find as well.
Benefit #3: Balanced, Satisfying, Ready-to-Eat Meals in Minutes!
With simple microwave instructions, reheating takes less than 5 minutes. I simply re-heated, re-plated, added my veggies, and took the time to enjoy my meals. And, taking it out of the package to re-plate made it look bigger and more appealing.
I’d taken the time to plate my meals onto a dinner plate or in one of my favorite oven-proof ceramic bowls, garnishing with herbs or sliced veggies and serving a full half-plate of veggies. The plate looks full, colorful and satisfying. And yep, it actually is!
A dietitian, I couldn’t help but analyze their meals. Jenny Craig’s ready-prepared meal options contain at least 4g fiber; and snacks and desserts have at least 2g. By supplementing the prepared foods with my veggies and fruit, I would likely have adequate fiber for the day. Current Dietary Guidelines recommend 14g fiber/1000 calories.
As far as protein, you can get plenty from their meal plan. And you won’t be deprived of fats or carbs. That’s because everything is well portion-controlled so yes, you can enjoy cheese and tortilla’s, chips, hamburger buns, etc. I may add that their snack foods and desserts are specially developed for Jenny Craig — they contain more fiber than typical options.
Benefit #4: Weight loss for me was slow and steady.
“Slow and steady” on Jenny Craig’s Rapid Results program is just fine with me. I did lose weight (and my clothes are a bit looser). At 1200 calories/day, it’s only a 400 calorie/day deficit for me. About 3/4 lb loss per week isn’t bad for me.
Will I ever know if the “fasting protocol” made a difference? Maybe not. That’s because I pretty much follow a 14:10 (14 hour fast/10 hour eating window) anyway as it is effective for managing my GERD.
My schedule on the Rapid Results Max program: wake up by 8:00am, recharge bar by 8:30am, first meal at 9:30am, last meal finished by 7:30pm; meals spaced evenly (with one snack) throughout the day. It’s not much different than my regular routine, with the exception of the Recharge bar which may have actually kept my hunger at bay in the late afternoon. I may start incorporating a similar pre-breakfast “snack” as I actually find it useful for preventing those late afternoon cravings.
My final thoughts on the program:
I won’t go as far to say I loved every meal. I’m not much of a Salisbury steak, mashed potato fan, but the Bourbon steak was absolutely delightful and I enjoyed chicken salad and tuna salad kits prepared with mayo/yogurt dressings (a combo I already incorporate when I prepare creamy salads such as these).
I really enjoyed the “pre-nourish” Recharge Bars or nut packs, just enough of a boost to make it through the 14-hour fasting protocol. Although I have to admit, I could have easily omitted and still felt just fine. Since I generally eat dinner at 6 or 6:30pm and don’t wake up until 8:00am, a 14-hour fast is not much of a stretch for me.
Perhaps that extra nourishment before breakfast was actually keeping me more satisfied throughout the day so I was less inclined to feel nibbly in the late afternoon/early evening, an issue that sometimes prompted me to serve dinner at 5pm instead of waiting til 6 or 6:30pm.
No hick-ups or major challenges. The plan was so easy to follow and it allows some wiggle room. I added some avocado and nuts to my salad (veggies) and added my homemade dressings to the salads.
I’ve even prepared my family’s meals based on my menu so we could all enjoy the same type of food. A burrito for me, a burrito for them.
Overall I’d say, it was easy to follow, everything was in place, and there were no obstacles I couldn’t get past. Even the challenges were so minor.
Anything I recommend to improve their already successful program?
I think building in day each week with an educational video or practical exercise could be a good lead in for the follow-up Maintenance Program Jenny Craig® offers. Perhaps add one food kit with the ingredients to assemble and a recipe for one of the meals during that week, providing a few options/tips for variety as they already offer on the packaged meals.
I lost 3 pounds. It may not seem like much but if you don’t have much to lose, an average of 3/4 pound a week is not bad. This shows that the program is reliable, steady, and not a quick-fix. It is advised you follow a maintenance program to follow-up and keep that weight off. Jenny Craig® has a maintenance program as well.
For more information about Jenny Craig® and the Rapid Results Max program, click here.
16 Responses
Outstanding post
Thank you! 🙂
My Pleasure 😊😀🙂👍
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Thank you for your insightful post on the Jenny Craig rapid results program. I am currently doing this program and am close to meeting my weight loss goal. I would like to continue the 14/10 intermitent fasting when I am in maintenance. I really enjoyed the Recharge Bar as it made it possible for me to go without food for 14 hours. I also have a late afternoon snacking issue and was curious to know if you were able to find a good substitute pre-breakfast “snack” for the Recharge Bar. I looked into Kind bars and Cliff Bars, but I have not been able to find a similiar substitute ingredient-wise.
Congratulations on meeting your weight loss goal (you are close and that is great!). Glad you enjoyed my insight and that you find the IF is working for you. Honestly I think 14/10 is very doable. I made my own version of the bar and it works great for me. Although I agree their Recharge Bar is pretty darn good. When my new site is up and running (yes, this site has been long overdo for a makeover), I will post my recipe.
Hi and thank you for the reply. I am looking forward to seeing the recipe you came up with for the JC Recharge Bar when you update your site. I would have a really challenging time doing 14/10 IF if it weren’t for being able to eat the Recharge Bar. I am curious to know how it’s possible for the Recharge Bar to maintain the fast without breaking it. What is the reason that makes the Recharge Bar okay to eat outside of the 10 hour eating window?
The bar is not sugar or carb heavy (has plenty of healthy fats, fiber and some protein) – meaning it won’t raise your blood sugars and I believe it’s about 200 calories. I think the point is that the total calories consumed within that 24 hours is still limited enough for weight loss. You don’t need to do IF to lose weight, it is an option (but I don’t recommend for those with eating disorders). You can control your simple carb intake and eat a plant-rich diet including healthy fats and lean proteins. IF to me is more of a way to either facilitate healing if needed, give your digestive system a rest – helpful when I was recovering from severe acid reflux issues. IF can be a way to control your appetite so you consume the calories within your needs whether it is to maintain or lose weight in a healthy way. That being said, I really enjoyed the program and the Recharge Bar. I hope to have my new site up (with the recipe) early next year. I know it’s taking a while. Happy Holidays!
Thank you for your review. I just started the program. I’m currently on day 10. The first 5 days the weight loss came easy. The next 5 days I’ve hit a wall and haven’t lost. I think the weight loss especially at the beginning should be faster. The diet is too expensive not to lose more weight in these first few days (I can understand not losing more once I’ve lost at least 10% of the weight).
I understand how you feel about this. And I get it. You may have read that I didn’t lose much either (I think I said 4 lbs). Weight loss can be a frustrating process. I think the real benefit of the program is training yourself to eat on a schedule (not rigid, but general) and eating in amounts that are conducive to healthy gut functioning as well as portion control. It also may get you used to including a vegetable with every afternoon and evening meal. I’m sorry you found the program expensive. But I hope there was some value you can find in your experience. As a dietitian, I try to impart that embarking on healthier living (including wt loss if necessary) is more of a marathon than a sprint. Best of wishes.
Did you lose 4lbs in 4 weeks or each week?
omg – not each week. Lol! Sorry if there is a typo. I lost close to 4 lbs by the end of 4 weeks (1-2 pounds a week is safe) and being petite, I lost about 3/4 of a pound per week.
Have you posted the recipe for the recharge bar in your version
Hi Barbara,
Thank you for your patience. It is scheduled to post Monday. 🙂
Hi Barbara,
The post is up: https://nutrisavvyhealth.com/copycat-recharge-bar/
Thank you so much for posting the recipe Lauren. It could not have come at a better time as I just hit my weight goal on Jenny Craig and am transitioning to maintenance where I begin incorporating my own healthy food a few days a week while still having Jenny cuisine some days with the final goal being eating my own food everyday and maintaining a healthy weight. I’ve always found this part of dieting to be the most challenging. What is different this time is that I will continue the Intermittent Fasting (10 hour eating window). I found that the recharge bars (which are my absolute favorite too) were critical to being able to not eat the remaining 14 hours of the 24 hour day. I look forward to making your version and will let you know how they compare to the JC recharge bars.
Thanks for reposting this. And I hope you enjoy this option. I think the bars they have are terrific and I’d purchase them alone (without the program), but as mentioned I like to have a make-it-yourself option.