The Healing Protocol

The GERD Healing Plan

So how can I help you? I can introduce you to the nutrition and lifestyle methods that have worked for centuries and tailoring a plan unique to you. Genetics, stress, and patterns you’ve developed over time can impact your health. And allergies can also play a role in your digestive woes. Because we are unique individuals, we have to fine-tune our strategies to best suit our personal needs.

Whether you have GERD or LPR, the disruption from chronic acid reflux can slow you down, make you tired, and cause considerable discomfort/pain; often affecting the quality of your life.

My Story

I understand first-hand what a drag acid reflux can have on your life. I can empathize with you regarding the constant struggle of living with this condition. In 2018, I began to experience digestive issues. My throat would tickle. I was clearing my throat far too often. And I was beginning to feel as if food was getting “stuck” in my throat. I was even experiencing discomfort with swallowing. I was concerned. That same year, I was diagnosed with laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR — aka “Silent Reflux”) – a form of chronic acid reflux which is closely related to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

In my case, the damage that was going on at a cellular level was not felt until the inflammation and damage had become extreme. While I didn’t experience heartburn, I did experience constant reflux of stomach acids that irritated my throat, nasal passages, and airways.

  • Many times, I found it too painful to eat. I had experienced unintentional weight loss from this condition. My ENT doctor warned me “not to lose any more weight.” GERD and LPR might seem more common in overweight individuals, however, these diseases of the gut do not discriminate and can occur no matter your weight.
  • My swallowing felt constantly impaired and at one point I even feared having a diagnosis called dysphasia, also known as difficulty swallowing, for the rest of my life.
  • At the end of each day, I would feel defeated and hopeless. I often found it very difficult to concentrate as the discomfort and pain seemed to fill up every moment of my life. I remember becoming so tired at the end of the day that I’d collapse in bed for several hours, even though it was much earlier than my typical bedtime. And yet, despite getting more rest, these earlier bedtimes did not seem to give me any more energy. Each morning it took my all to get out of bed.

I had consulted with my GI and ENT doctors to get their medical perspective and opinions at the onset of my LPR symptoms. I underwent medical treatment via nasal endoscopy evaluations and started a doctor-recommended course of PPIs (proton pump inhibitors — a type of medication that reduces stomach acid). I experienced some relief, but my major symptoms did not seem to abate. I knew I had to get in control of the reflux that I was experiencing. So, I began to dig into my expertise and knowledge as a registered dietitian. I had further consultations with GI and ENT doctors to build a healing protocol that I followed strictly.

To my joy, It worked! Today, I manage my disease and help others to do the same with a four-pronged approach towards healing.

My 4-Pronged Approach

  1. Meal Planning
    Meal planning is the cornerstone of my program. Some common GERD trigger foods should be avoided at the start of your healing journey. However, outside of these trigger foods, I have created a program that focuses on healthy meals that taste terrific and even have some “cheats” built-in, since I’ve found that complete avoidance/restriction is not necessary for healing.
  2. Meal Timing
    Some say timing is the key to success. Common protocol is to not eat too close to bedtime. When dealing with GERD symptoms, this advice should always be followed, and growing research suggests that healing occurs during our “rest and digest” cycles through intermittent fasting (IF). So, a moderate IF approach has now become part of the healing protocol.
  3. Consistent Exercise Routine
    Exercise not only moves our body, but it also moves things inside our body to help with digestion and regeneration on a cellular level no matter your level of fitness. I have developed a series of yoga flows that range from super easy to challenging for every movement style and ability. These yoga flows focus on functional movement for digestive health.
  4. Stress Management
    The last pillar of healing that is part of the healing protocol is stress management. Although all four pillars play an important role, I do believe stress management has a slight edge on the others when it comes to healing. Over the years, I have created a series of daily yoga practices that can help reduce your stress levels on your healing journey.

Start your Healing Journey Now!

I would like to invite you to sign up for my e-newsletter and join my Facebook community where I share tips that are focused on helping individuals with GERD, LPR, and other reflux issues. Once you sign up for the e-newsletter, I will also send you my Essential Healthy Shopping Guide designed to help manage acid reflux and promote healing. 

Whether you are constantly clearing your throat, feeling intense heartburn, or having some issues with swallowing (real or perceived), any of these issues alone or combined may be related to the backflow of acids (e.g., acid reflux).

It is best to address your GERD symptoms right away. Not only for your comfort and ease, but also to prevent future serious issues, such as Barrett’s esophagus or esophageal cancer. Chronic acid reflux heightens your risk for both conditions. A specialized diet and lifestyle changes can help ease your symptoms, reduce inflammation, and lower your risk for serious disease.

As a registered dietitian who has worked with GERD sufferers and has managed the condition myself, I know what it’s like to have digestive health concerns. I’ve felt the pain, anxiety, lack of energy, and most of all, feeling of hopelessness. However, through my journey to better health, I’ve not only learned how to manage my condition for the long-term, but I have developed an understanding of how it can impact a good part of your life. Work with Me.

What can you expect in your first meeting with me?

Together, we will explore and define your challenges and your individualized needs. I will also set you up on a plan to track food sensitivities, food intolerances, and habits that may be derailing your health progress. Then we’ll create a customized healing plan that works for you and your lifestyle. 

I’ll provide you with the necessary tools you will need to:

  • Feel great and be symptom-free
  • Have more sustained energy
  • Be able to enjoy eating again

Throughout my program, you’ll discover a variety of ways to make meals and snacks delicious and appealing, even without the flavoring you might be accustomed to (e.g., garlic, onion, citrus, and tomato). In the “maintenance phase,” you may be able to enjoy some of these foods in moderation. But honestly, you may not even miss them!

While my GERD diet therapy is not a “weight loss” driven diet, many of the practices you will be implementing, such as increasing your fruit and vegetable intake and lowering your added-sugar intake, will help you take desirable steps toward reaching an ideal weight while adhering to the guidelines for health and healing.

If you are located in California, I invite you to sign up today and set up your free phone consultation with me. Due to licensing laws for registered dietitians, I cannot provide nutrition counseling for those who reside outside of California. If you live outside of California, I encourage you to sign up for my Facebook community and e-newsletter for tips on health and healing.

The Essential Healthy Shopping Guide

Shopping for healthy foods can be overwhelming and confusing, especially if you have GERD. Inside you’ll find shopping tips, GERD-friendly groceries, and simple recipes/combos to get you on your way to feeling better and living your best life. Enter your information below to get my free Essential Healthy Shopping Guide.