Functional Movement for Digestive Health

I offer a whole body, 360-degree approach to movement based in yoga. I discovered this passion back in 2015. Under my guidance, I will help you achieve supportive movement and wellness on your journey to improve your balance, consistency, and flexibility.

Over the years, I have discovered a common theme within my yoga and nutrition practice. As a registered dietitian, I’m always reminding my patients that the healing journey is more of marathon rather than a sprint. And that’s where my core philosophy comes into play:

Balance, Consistency, and Flexibility are three key components for achieving optimal health and wellness.


We need to fuel our energy needs physically and through proper nutrition. Consuming the proper Balance of portion sizes for protein, carbs, and fats throughout the day is important so that you get the essential nutrients your body needs. Consistency in a healthy diet is key to keeping you on track. Flexibility means you can enjoy all foods, including sweets in moderation, so you don’t ever feel restricted or deprived. Building a positive relationship with food is an essential component to leading a healthy, sustainable lifestyle.


I use these three key terms – Balance, Consistency, and Flexibility – to communicate holding poses with ease, maintaining a practice to develop your strength, and relying on flexibility for opening, extending, and releasing. It’s important to allow yourself the space and time to improve.

Yoga gives us the ability to recharge by resting  (also known as Savasana) through restorative poses, proper stretching, and breathing through alignment-based movement. The gentle movement of yoga helps to increase the blood flow to the muscles within your digestive system – massaging your food through your digestive tract. This keeps the nutrients moving smoothly and efficiently through your body. There is also some research that suggests this type of movement may help stimulate gut-healthy bacteria. Additionally, gentle twisting helps not only with circulation, but by releasing tension in the abdomen, which stimulates digestion and bowel regularity.

When you join my program, I will guide you through movement that balances the body and the mind and provide modifications necessary to meet your individual needs.

The Essential Healthy Shopping Guide

Shopping for healthy foods can be overwhelming and confusing, especially if you have GERD. Inside you’ll find shopping tips, GERD-friendly groceries, and simple recipes/combos to get you on your way to feeling better and living your best life. Enter your information below to get my free Essential Healthy Shopping Guide.