Back in early 2021, I posted on my experience on Jenny Craig’s Rapid Result’s Program. What I loved the most was their Recharge Bars! It got me through the mornings and I just really liked the taste.
Just over a year later, I’ve finally got the opportunity to create a Copy Cat version of their Nut & Honey Recharge Bar. I’m happy to report that I got nearly all the nutritional components pretty much the same (Calories, fat, carbs, fiber, protein, etc). Well, significantly close enough. I’ll post their nutritional info. below and include mine in my recipe so you can compare.
Jenny Craig's Nut & Honey Recharge Bar

The reason I wanted to stick so closely to the nutritional numbers is because this bar is intended to eat towards the end of the “fast” (a pick-me-up before your “break-the-fast” (breakfast). So it couldn’t have too much carbs since the intent is to keep the body in “fasting mode”.
My CopyCat Version
You’ll see that my version of the recharge bar is very close in calories, fats, carbs, fiber, protein, and sugars. And it is tasty and satisfying, too!
Since it’s been a while since I’ve had Jenny Craig’s Nut & Honey Recharge Bars (and sadly I misplaced my first trial for the recipe). I reinvented it recently using 3 types of nuts, just a wee bit of honey, and some cinnamon and vanilla extract to get the right amount of “sweet” flavor overall without much in added sugars.

Copy Cat Recharge Bar
- 1/4 cup Pecans, raw
- 1 tbsp Almonds, raw chopped
- 1/4 cup Shredded coconut, unsweetened
- 1/4 cup Coconut flour
- 3 tbsp Macadamia Nuts
- 1 tbsp Honey
- 2 tsp cinnamon, ground
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/8 tsp salt
- Combine all ingredients into a food processor and process until well combined. Press dough flat about 1/4 inch thick into a small square pan. Cover and refrigerate for at least 1/2 hour. Cut into 4 rectangles.Add a little water if needed -- 1 tablespoon at a time. 1-2 tablespoons is generally key to getting the dough to hold together.
9 Responses
reposting my comment on this page with the actual recipe…..Thank you so much for posting this Lauren. Your recipe post could not have come at a better time as I just hit my weight goal on Jenny Craig and am transitioning to maintenance where I begin incorporating my own healthy food a few days a week while still having Jenny cuisine some days with the final goal being eating my own food everyday and maintaining a healthy weight. I’ve always found this part of dieting to be the most challenging. What is different this time is that I will continue the Intermittent Fasting (10 hour eating window). I found that the recharge bars (which are my absolute favorite too) were critical to being able to not eat the remaining 14 hours of the 24 hour day. I look forward to making your version and will let you know how they compare to the JC recharge bars.
Congrats. And I’m so glad to hear you are feeling good about maintaining IF and your healthy weight. Yes, let me know. Honestly, I would purchase the bars alone without the program – so good. But I feel it’s nice to have a make-it-yourself option. LMK what you think. : O)
Hi Lauren, thank you for this recipe! It’s a hit here at our house where EVERYBODY’s on Jenny Craig. We’re transitioning to home cooked now. Do you have any other JC copycat recipes? —Kelly
Awesome! So glad to hear you all like this one. I do not at the moment. But can look into creating some. What are some Jenny Craig meals / snacks you like? Going on vacay now, but will be back by Aug. 1st.
I am trying to find your copycat but and honey recharge bar recipe, but can’t seem to find it. Can you help me?
Technical error. I am working on recovering the recipe. So sorry. Thanks for your patience.
CopyCat Recharge Bar Recipe is back up. LMK what you think. : )
I’m a very good baker and I could not get these to slice up into bars …and stay together .. Yes I used water … any ideas
Hope you at least enjoyed the flavor. Have you tried refrigerating them? If all else fails, consider using cashew butter or macadamia nut butter (instead of the nuts) and rolling up into energy bites to refrigerate before eating. I generally use less nut butter than the amount of nuts because its so concentrated. LMK if either works. I’m happy to revisit this recipe if need be.